Melbourne Kinesiology Clinic

Emma Fisher and Suzanne McGrath are Melbourne based Kinesiologists working from the Fitzroy Therapeutics Clinic.

Emma 0416 267 456
Suzanne 0417 116 984

What is kinesiology?
Kinesiology explores the underlying causes of physical, emotional and psychological pain and illness, rather than just treating symptoms.

Kinesiology uses muscle testing, a biofeedback method, to identify blocks in a person’s system.
A Kinesiology session restores the balance of energy in your body, by working with energetic structures such as Meridians and Chakras, which have been effective healing techniques for thousands of years.

The refined muscle testing technique allows the practitioner to locate the stress relevant to your condition and remove the blocks that have contributed to it.

How does it work?
Kinesiology aims to restore the balance of energy in the body so it can heal itself naturally.
This modality is a combination of eastern and western medicine and works by restoring balance in both a neurological and physiological way. One of the great things about Kinesiology is the way it helps a person identify the cause of an imbalance, and then resolve it. It may be nutritional, emotional, structural, psychological, energetic, or spiritual. It could be a core belief, an attitude, or even an old memory that impacts the choices we make about how we see the world, and live our lives. It is often at this level that Kinesiology shows us we can start to make changes.

What can Kinesiology help with?

• Allergies
• Depression
• Emotional and relationship issues
• Immunity problems
• Learning difficulties
• Facilitate lifestyle change
• Low-energy and fatigue
• Insomnia
• Muscular aches and pains
• Stress and anxiety, including panic attacks
• Weight loss
• Back pain
And more.
